John Brett. Portrait of Christina Rossetti. 1857.


This site contains bibliographic data, full texts from, and material views of nineteenth-century literature collections. These are divided into 1) literary annuals and 2) other collections (including anthologies, miscellanies, and beauties).

Literary annual

Fraser, William ed., The Bijou; (London, UK: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
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Taxonomy: Poetry xTaxonomy: Collection xTaxonomy: Drama xKeywords: The Bijou xTaxonomy: Drama xTaxonomy: primary xTaxonomy: mixed xTaxonomy: Collection xTaxonomy: Periodical xTaxonomy: Collection xTaxonomy: Codex xTaxonomy: collection literary annual x

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ARC Format Categories, July 1, 2017
ARC Genre Categories, July 1, 2017
Genre and Material Form
Primary or Secondary