John Brett. Portrait of Christina Rossetti. 1857.


Our search buttons on the right offer to sort by "Author or Creator." By "creators," we mean not simply authors of texts (criticism, poetry, essays, books), but also editors, publishers, painters, engravers, and even architects. Sometimes pictures of the latters' buildings were engraved as plates in literary annuals. This page will automatically give you creators listed alphabetically by type. You may limit or further organize your search, if you wish, using buttons on the right. Anonymous productions appear at the end of this list.

L. E. L. (Letitia Elizabeth Landon)
L. E. L. (Letitia Elizabeth Landon), "The City of the Dead." in The Bijou; (London: from The Bijou Literary Annual, 1828 The City of the Dead By L.E.L. Fraser, William (1796-1854), compiler The Poetess Archive General Editor, and P5 encoding by Laura Mandell Transcribing and proofreading by Zach Weir 1828 TEI formatted filesize uncompressed: approx. 684 kbytes Laura Mandell, Texas A&M University College Station, TX 20170606 Freely available via a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License bijou1828.poemP4 The Bijou Literary Annual Edited by Laura Mandell bijou1828-p5.xml , 1802-1838 The City of the Dead The Bijou; or Annual of Literature and the Arts William Fraser London William Pickering 1828 13-15 This copy is transcribed from the volume held by Miami University Special Collections Department. The page images come from the Internet Archive: Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Duke University Libraries." This document follows the rules specified for TEI use by NINES. All quotation marks and apostrophes have been transcribed as entity references. Any dashes occurring in line breaks have been removed. Hyphens and dashes have been coded using HTML Entity Decimal for Unicode. Special characters (letters with accents, etc.) have been coded using HTML Entity Decimal for Unicode. Page numbers appear at the beginning of each page, no matter where originally placed. Full Text or Citation full text citation only Primary or Secondary primary secondary Genre and Material Form pageimage biography biographical essay poetry pamphlet poetry book poem story drama table of contents table of illustrations picture index notes frontispiece inscription page book boards titlepage preface advertisement foreword acknowledgments collection literary annual collection miscellany collection anthology collection beauties collection juvenile collection religious collection travels mixed essay review letter fragment poem fragment story fragment novel literary criticism book literary criticism collection bibliography engraving reproduction figure graph map table musical score music satire political pamphlet political cartoon periodical historical monograph historical essay philosophical treatise philosophical essay religious pamphlet sermon theology religious book essay on education educational treatise list of subscribers allegory introduction slipcase dedication picture of building floorplans photograph translation manuscript printersmark Library of Congress Subject Headings, reduced to one word before hyphen ARC Genre Categories, July 1, 2017 Advertisement Animation Bibliography Catalog Chronology Citation Collection Correspondence Criticism Drama Ephemera Essay Fiction Film, Documentary Film, Experimental Film, Narrative Film, Other Historiography Interview Life Writing Liturgy Musical Analysis Music, Other Musical Work Musical Score Nonficition Paratext Performance Philosophy Photograph Political Statement Poetry Religion Reference Works Review Scripture Sermon Speech Translation Travel Writing Unspecified Visual Art ARC Format Categories, July 1, 2017 Codex Collection Dataset Drawing Illustration Interactive Resource Manuscript Map Moving Image Notated Music Page Proofs Pamphlet Periodical Physcial Object Roll Sheet Sound Still Image Typescript British Library Shelf Mark Poetess The Bijou Literary Annual Fraser, William (1796-1854) poem The City of the Dead 20191102 Laura Mandell Added new taxonomies in bijou1828-p5 and into part headers using splurgeOutBijou.xsl desc. 20190110 Laura Mandell Added new taxonomies into headers using 'changeHeader.xsl' and expanded profile desc. 20181104 recoded bijou1828-p5.xml for errors and IIIF image server Laura Mandell 20170602 transformed to P5, adding images, and cleaned up TEI Laura Mandell 20051024 encoding by Laura Mandell and Zach Weir XML coding; XSL application: Oxygen The Bijou; or Annual of Literature and the Arts compiled by William Fraser William Pickering London 1828 pp. 13-15 The City of the Dead By L.E.L. 'Twas dark with cypresses and yews which cast Drear shadows on the fairer trees and flowers— Affections latest signs. * * * Dark portal of another world— the grave— I do not fear thy shadow; and methinks, If I may make my own heart oracle,— The many long to enter thee, for thou Alone canst reunite the loved and lost With those who pine for them. I fear thee not; I only fear mine own unworthiness, Lest it prove barrier to my hope, and make Another parting in another world. ************************************************************************* 1. LAUREL! Oh fling thy green boughs on air, There is dew on thy branches, what doth it do there? Thou art worn on the conquerors shield, When his country receives him from glory's red field; Thou that art wreathed round the lyre of the bard, When the song of its sweetness has won its reward. Earth's changeless and sacred— thou proud laurel tree! The ears of the midnight, why hang they on thee? 2. Rose of the morning, the blushing and bright, Thou whose whole life is noe breath of delight; Beloved of the maiden, the chosen to bind Her dark tresses' wealth from the wild summer wind. Fair tablet, still vowed to the thoughts of the lover, Whose rich leaves with sweet secrets are written all over; Fragrant as blooming— thou lovely rose tree! The tears of the midnight, why hang they on thee? 3. Dark cypress I see thee— thou art my reply, Why the tears of the night on thy comrade trees lie; That laurel it wreathed the red brow of the brave, Yet thy shadow lies black on the warriors grave. That rose was less bright than the lip which it prest, Yet thy sad branches sweep o'er the maiden's last rest: The brave and the lovely alike they are sleeping, I marvel no more rose and laurel are weeping. 4. Yet sunbeam of heaven thou fall'st on the tomb— Why pausest thou by such dwelling of doom? Before thee the grove and the garden are spread; Why lingerest thou round the place of the dead? Thou art from another, a lovelier sphere, Unknown to the sorrows that darken us here. Thou art as a herald of hope from above:— Weep mourner no more o'er thy grief and thy love; Still thy heart in its beating, be glad of such rest, Though it call from thy bosom its dearest and best. Weep no more that affection thus loosens its tie, Weep no more the the loved and the loving must die Weep no more o'er the cold dust that lies at your feet, But gaze on yon starry world— there ye shall meet. 5. O heart of mine! Is there not One dwelling there To whom thy love clings in its hope and its prayer? For whose sake thou numberest each hour of the day, As a link in the fetters that keep me away; When I think of the glad and the beautiful home, Which oft in my dreams to my spirit hath come; That when our last sleep on my eyelids hath prest; That I may be with thee at home and at rest: When wanderer no longer on life's weary shore, I may kneel at thy feet, and part from thee no more; While death holds such hope forth to soothe and to save, Oh sumbeam of heaven thou mayest will light the grave. , 1828)View: HTML | XML

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