John Brett. Portrait of Christina Rossetti. 1857.


Our search buttons on the right offer to sort by "Author or Creator." By "creators," we mean not simply authors of texts (criticism, poetry, essays, books), but also editors, publishers, painters, engravers, and even architects. Sometimes pictures of the latters' buildings were engraved as plates in literary annuals. This page will automatically give you creators listed alphabetically by type. You may limit or further organize your search, if you wish, using buttons on the right. Anonymous productions appear at the end of this list.

Stothard, Thomas
Stothard, Thomas and Brandard Family, printmakers, "Figure 3: Sans Souci." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Stothard, Thomas and Ensom, William, "Figure 12: Queen Elizabeth, Essex, and Shakespeare." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Stothard, Thomas and Fox, Augustus, "Figure 13: The Humble Lovers, (Head Piece)." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Stothard, Thomas and Fox, Augustus, "Figure 4: The Warriors." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Stothard, Thomas and Fox, Augustus, "Figure 9: The Poet's Invocation." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Stothard, Thomas and Fox, Augustus, "Figure 7: A Village Festival (Head Piece)." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML