John Brett. Portrait of Christina Rossetti. 1857.


Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825, "Preliminary Essay." in Selections from the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian, and Freeholder (London, UK: J. Johnson, 1804)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 21. Grammaire Italienne, Réduite en Six Le ç. Par M Curioni. 12mo. pp. 48. 3s. De Boffe. 1790.."Monthly Review (July 1790)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 65. The Turtle Dove. A Tale, from the French of M. de Florian. 8mo. pp. 25. 1s. Printed at Caen in Normandy; and sold in London by Payne.."Monthly Review (January 1791)View: HTML | XML
Shelley, Mary, 1797-1851, "The English in Italy."The Westminster Review (October 1826)View: HTML | XML
Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825, "Mr. Bage." in The British Novelists (London: F.C. and J. Rivington, 1810)View: HTML | XML
Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825, "Miss Burney." in The British Novelists (London: F.C. and J. Rivington, 1810)View: HTML | XML
Taylor, Emily, 1795-1872, "Poets of Rural Life."The New Monthly Magazine (August 1821)View: HTML | XML
Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825, "Hawkesworth." in The British Novelists (London: F.C. and J. Rivington, 1810)View: HTML | XML
Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825, "Miss Edgeworth." in The British Novelists (London: F.C. and J. Rivington, 1810)View: HTML | XML
Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825, "Mrs. Radcliffe." in The British Novelists (London: F.C. and J. Rivington, 1810)View: HTML | XML
Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825, "Mrs. Lennox." in The British Novelists (London: F.C. and J. Rivington, 1810)View: HTML | XML
L. E. L. (Letitia Elizabeth Landon), 1802-1838, "Edward Lytton Bulwer."The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal (May 1831)View: HTML | XML
Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825, " Mrs. Brooke ." in The British Novelists (London: F.C. and J. Rivington, 1810)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. XV. Les Souvenirs de Felicie L***; i.e. The Recollections of Felicia L***. By Mad. de Genlis. 12mo. 2 vols. Paris. 1808.."The Monthly Review (1808)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 17. Scelta di Lettere familiari, degli Autori pieù Celebri, &c. A Collection of familiar Letters, by the most celebrated Authors; for the Use of Students in the Italian Language: with Accents, to mark the Pronunciation of all the doubtful Words. By Leonardo Nardini. 12mo. pp. 264. 3s. Dulau and Co. 1800.."Monthly Review (November 1800)View: HTML | XML
Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825, "On Novel Writing."The Literary Magazine and American Register (December 1804)View: HTML | XML
Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825, "Mrs. Charlotte Smith." in The British Novelists (London: F.C. and J. Rivington, 1810)View: HTML | XML
Landon, Letitia E., 1802-1838, "Female Portrait Gallery, From Sir Walter Scott. By the Author of "The Improvisatrice." No. I.—Flora M'Ivor and Rose Bradwardine.."New Monthly Magazine and Humorist (January 1838)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 27. The School for Fashion. By Mrs. Thicknesse. 8vo. 2 Vols. 12s. Boards. Debrett, &c. 1800.."The Monthly Review (August 1801)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 29. The Young Exiles, or, Correspondence of some Juvenile Emigrants. A Work intended for the Entertainment and Instruction of Youth. From the French of Madame de Genlis. 12mo. 3 vols. 12s. Boards. Wright. 1799.."The Monthly Review (September 1800)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. XIII. Le Paradis Reconquis: Poëme, imité de Milton, par L.R. Lafaye, Gradué en l'Université de Paris, Maitre de Langue Françòise. 12mo. pp. 141. 5s. sewed. Bell. 1789.."Monthly Review (December 1789)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 32. Frederic. Translated from the French of M. Fiévée. 3 Vols. 12mo. 12s. Boards. Wallis.."The Monthly Review (June 1806)View: HTML | XML
Shelley, Mary, 1797-1851, "Byron and Shelley on the Character of Hamlet."The New Monthly Magazine (October 1830)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. VIII. Le Malheur et la Pitié, &c.; i. e. Misfortune and Pity, a Poem in Four Cantos. By the Abbé de Lille, one of the 40 Members of the French Academy. Published by M. de Mervé. 4to. pp. 228. Dulau and Co. London.."The Monthly Review (1804)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. XVII. Lettres de Mademoiselle De Launai, &c. i.e. Letters of Mademoiselle De Launai (Madame De Staal) to the Chevalier De Ménil, to the Marquis De Silly, and to A. M. D'Hericourt; to which are added those of M. De Chaulieu to Mademoiselle De Launai, and a Portraiture of the Dutchess Du Maine. 2 Vols. 12mo. Paris. 1806. Imported by De Conchy, London.."Monthly Review (1806)View: HTML | XML