John Brett. Portrait of Christina Rossetti. 1857.


Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 65. The Turtle Dove. A Tale, from the French of M. de Florian. 8mo. pp. 25. 1s. Printed at Caen in Normandy; and sold in London by Payne.."Monthly Review (January 1791)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 34. Sempronia 12mo. 3 Vols. 9s. sewed. Lane. 1790.."Monthly Review (March 1791)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. XIII. Le Paradis Reconquis: Poëme, imité de Milton, par L.R. Lafaye, Gradué en l'Université de Paris, Maitre de Langue Françòise. 12mo. pp. 141. 5s. sewed. Bell. 1789.."Monthly Review (December 1789)View: HTML | XML
Jewsbury, Maria, 1800-1833, "Romance and Reality."The Athenæum (December 1831)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 24. Observations sur l'éducation des jeunes gens, depuis la fin de leur études, jusqu' à l'epoque de leur entrée dans le monde: ouvrage destiné uniquement à L'Angleterre. Par Mons. Routh, Maitre de Langue Françoise. 8vo. pp. 53. 1s. 6d. Hookham. 1791.."Monthly Review (August 1791)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 46. The Negroe equalled by few Europeans. Translated from the French. 12mo. 3 Vols. 9s. Sewed. Robinsons. 1790.."The Monthly Review (November 1790)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. XVI. Charles et Marie.—i.e. Charles and Mary. By the Author of Adéle de Senange. 12mo. Paris. 1802. De Boffe, London.."The Monthly Review (1802)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. V. Men and Manners. By Francis Lathom. 12mo. 4 Vols. 14s. sewed. Wright, &c. 1799.."Monthly Review (February 1800)View: HTML | XML
Shelley, Mary, 1797-1851, "The English in Italy."The Westminster Review (October 1826)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. II, The Lamentation. A poem. In two parts. To which are added other Miscellaneous Pieces, in Blank Verse and Rhyme. Crown 8vo. pp. 200. 6s. Boards. White. 1801.."Monthly Review (January 1802)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 52. Monument du Costume Physique & Moral de la Fin du dix huitieme Siécle; ou, Tableaux de la Vie. Small 8vo. 2 Vols. pp: 360 in all. 6s. Boards. Dilly. 1790. Art. 53. Pictures of Life: or, a Record of Manners, Physical and Moral, on the Close of the Eighteenth Century. Translated from the French. Small 8vo. 2 Vols. pp: 440, in all. 6s. Boards. Dilly. 1790.."Monthly Review (January 1791)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 21. Grammaire Italienne, Réduite en Six Le ç. Par M Curioni. 12mo. pp. 48. 3s. De Boffe. 1790.."Monthly Review (July 1790)View: HTML | XML

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