John Brett. Portrait of Christina Rossetti. 1857.


Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 25. Letters of Miss Riversdale. 12mo. 3 Vols. 13s. 6d. Boards. Johnson.."The Monthly Review (October 1804)View: HTML | XML
Shelley, Mary, 1797-1851, "The English in Italy."The Westminster Review (October 1826)View: HTML | XML
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851, "Art. X.—The Loves of the Poets. By the Author of the "Diary of an Ennuyée." 2 Vols. 12mo. Colburn. 1829.."The Westminster Review (October 1829)View: HTML | XML
Shelley, Mary, 1797-1851, "Byron and Shelley on the Character of Hamlet."The New Monthly Magazine (October 1830)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 29. The Young Exiles, or, Correspondence of some Juvenile Emigrants. A Work intended for the Entertainment and Instruction of Youth. From the French of Madame de Genlis. 12mo. 3 vols. 12s. Boards. Wright. 1799.."The Monthly Review (September 1800)View: HTML | XML
Moody, Elizabeth, 1737-1814, "Art. 46. Nascita, Carattere, e Alcuni Fatti Notabili di Luigi XVI. Re di Francia. Sua Prigonia nel Tempio, tradotta dal Giornale del Sigr. Clery, Cameriere del Re. Con una breve Appendice al Giornale. 8vo. pp. 232. Printed at Oxford, 1802.."The Monthly Review (September 1803)View: HTML | XML
L. E. L. (Letitia Elizabeth Landon), 1802-1838, "The Criticism of Chateaubriand."The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal (September 1836)View: HTML | XML