John Brett. Portrait of Christina Rossetti. 1857.


Our search buttons on the right offer to sort by "Author or Creator." By "creators," we mean not simply authors of texts (criticism, poetry, essays, books), but also editors, publishers, painters, engravers, and even architects. Sometimes pictures of the latters' buildings were engraved as plates in literary annuals. This page will automatically give you creators listed alphabetically by type. You may limit or further organize your search, if you wish, using buttons on the right. Anonymous productions appear at the end of this list.

Fraser, William
Algalaba, Juan, Don, "The Night before the Battle of Montiel: A Dramatic Sketch." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
B., H., "Haddon Hall." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Bird, John, "Canzonet." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Bowles, William Lisle, "On His Majety's Return to Windsor Castle." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Brydges, Egerton, "Sonnets." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Carrington, N. T. (Noel Thomas), "The Hellweathers." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, "Work Without Hope. Lines Composed on a Day in February." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, "Youth and Age." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, "The Wanderings of Cain: A Fragment.." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, "A Day Dream." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, "The Two Founts." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Cornwall, Barry, "To My Child." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Cornwall, Barry, "A Familiar Epistle to Sir Thomas Lawrence." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Cornwall, Barry, "Beau Leverton"Seeking the bubble Reputation."." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Croft, Thomas Elmsely, Sir, Bart., "The Rose." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Cunningham, Allan, "The Poet Warrior." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Fraser, William, "Preface." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Fraser, William, "Humble Love." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Fraser, William ed., The Bijou; (London, UK: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Fraser, William, "On a Little Girl." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Gleig, G. R. (George Robert) [attrib WorldCat], "Marie's Grave: A Tale of the Landes." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Hemans, Felicia Dorothea Browne, "The Child and Flowers." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Hervey, Thomas Kibble, "Anacreontic." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Hervey, Thomas Kibble, "Song." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML
Hogg, James, "An Aged Widow's Own Words." in The Bijou; (London: William Pickering , 1828)View: HTML | XML

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b.c. [barry cornwall] (1)b.c. [pseud. for bryan walker procter] (1)ballad from the norman french (1)barry cornwall (1)beau leverton"seeking the bubble reputation." (1)book boards (1)canzonet (1)charles lamb, esq. (2)contents. (1)d.l. richardson (1)david wilkie, esq. (1)dedication page (1)delta (1)dr. southey (1)essex and the maid of honour (1)figure 10: the dreams of the infant shakespeare (1)figure 11: the oriental love-letter (1)figure 12: queen elizabeth, essex, and shakespeare (1)figure 13: the humble lovers, (head piece) (1)figure 14: haddon hall (1)figure 2: sir walter scott and family (1)figure 3: sans souci (1)figure 4: the warriors (1)figure 5: suitors rejected (1)figure 6: the boy and dog (1)figure 7: a village festival (head piece) (1)figure 8: a portrait of a lady (1)figure 9: the poet's invocation (1)fraser, william (1785-1835) (1)fraser, william (1796-1854) (79)from the italian (1)frontispiece (1)h. w. pickersgill, esq. (1)h.b. (1)haddon hall (1)halloran the pedlar: an irish story (1)henry neele, esq. (1)horace smith, esq. (1)horace smith, esq. author of brambletye house (1)humble love (1)imitation from the persian (1)index of authors (1)index of embellishments by painter, engraver (1)inscription for a grotto (1)j.g. lockhart esq. (1)james hogg, the ettrick shephard (1)james hogg, the ettrick shepherd (1)james montgomery, esq. (1)jessy of kibe's farm (1)john bird, esq. (1)lady caroline lamb (1)laura mandell (4)letter from sir walter scott, bart. (1)lines written in the vale of zoar, coast of arabia (1)list of embellishments (1)literary annual (80)marie's grave: a tale of the landes (1)miss emma roberts, author of "the history of the red and white roses." (1)miss m.r. mitford (1)miss mitford (1)
